My first encounter with an angel came on the very day that I met my husband-to-be! I was a student in Birmingham and one cold november sunday evening, I was on my way from the YWCA where I lived to a hotel where there was a science fiction convention in full swing. I had to go into a long, dark underpass to get from one side of the road to the other. A long, dark and deserted underpass. During the day it was not such a scary place, being full of people, buskers and the noise of the traffic overhead. But on this particular night it was deserted and most of the lights in the tunnel were out. I am not normally afraid of the dark, but this time I was nervous.

I walked along through the tunnel as briskly as I could without actually seeming to panic. I know that running or walking too fast would make me look weak and vulnerable and scared. There was no one in front and at first, no one behind. But as I walked I was aware that the air had grown colder and heavier, if you understand what I mean. There was a distinct atmosphere of something terrible behind me. As I walked, I heard something breathing: a horrible, raspy, menacing breathing. Almost a growling sound.

I am no stranger to the supernatural having seen and met several ghosts and I knew beyond any doubt that this was something equally other-worldly behind me. I also knew that I was in great danger as whatever it was, was rapidly catching up with me.

Suddenly I felt something else behind me, putting itself between me and the thing. I felt something warm and a great sense of love and peace surrounding me. I could actually feel feathers touching the back of my neck. Something protected me that night from terrible danger. Death certainly, possibly my soul was in danger too. I left the underpass and stepped out into the crowded street that was full of lights and a hour later, I met the man I was to marry.

My second encounter was years later and this time I actually saw an angel face-to-face. After my Grandfather died I decided to become a blood donor. He had been a donor all his adult life and had worn a special badge in honour of his long service. (Note: in the UK, blood is donated on a voluntary basis, no money is given in exchange for our blood. We get a nice cup of tea and a couple of biscuits though!) So I went to the local donor clinic and signed up.

However, it was not at all easy. My blood was fine, just the kind they wanted, but I seemed to have a bit of a problem. Each time I gave blood, I became sicker and sicker. It took longer to recover and I quite ill indeed. On the day I met my second angel, I donated blood as usual. The nurse noted that my blood seemed to flow remarkably fast. In fact, she had no sooner connected me up and turned to adjust the tube in the arm of the person next to me, then my pint bag was full. And you can't loose a pint of blood in a few seconds without something going wrong.

I rested the proscribed ten minutes then was told to go to the lounge area and have some tea. I sat down gratefully there as the short walk across the room had made me feel very ill. My husband went to get me some tea and then it happened. Apparently, I suddenly went rigid and shook in a fit. The whole thing took just a few seconds for one of the doctors to come to my aid, but it seemed like hours to me.

I remember that I seemed to snap out of my body and I arrived in a dark place. There was no light but something was glowing somewhere. Then an angel appeared -- a person, I'm not sure if this was male or female, in fact I got the impression that he/she was neither and both.

The angel looked at me and frowned then seemed to consult a list. "No, this is wrong," he/she said, "you should not be here yet." I remember asking if I had died (I felt so calm and remarkably well all this time while we were talking) and he/she said I had not. Then I heard my husband calling me from a long way off. The angel said, "there you are, you see, you're needed." I asked what it would be like when I did die and he/she said that when it happened, I would not be alone. That he/she would be with me then. I said goodbye and then I seemed to fall down a tunnel and back into my body.

Some people would say that I had merely hallucinated or it was just synapses doing what synapses do. But I am sure, without a doubt, that I met angels on both occasions. And that I will see them again one day.

When I met Angels :: Pagan Angels :: Cyber Angels